The Electro-Mechanical Cooling System Presented at: International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering - IPC-10 (May 1999), Melbourne, Australia Date: May 1999 Publisher: SAE-A
Vehicle performance and exhaust emission on road Presented at: International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering - IPC-10 (May 1999), Melbourne, Australia Date: May 1999 Publisher: SAE-A
A Comparison Between In-Service Experience and Deterministic Modelling of Fleet Fuel Consumption Presented at: International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering - IPC-10 (May 1999), Melbourne, Australia Date: May 1999 Publisher: SAE-A
Opto-Electronic Torque, Absolute Angle and Rate Sensor for Electric Steering Applications. Presented at: International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering - IPC-10 (May 1999), Melbourne, Australia Date: May 1999 Publisher: SAE-A
Modelling the flame enhancement of a HAJI equipped spark ignition engine. Presented at: International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering - IPC-10 (May 1999), Melbourne, Australia Date: May 1999 Publisher: SAE-A
An Investigation into the Vehicle Driveline Balancing Process and Facility Design Presented at: International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering - IPC-10 (May 1999), Melbourne, Australia Date: May 1999 Publisher: SAE-A
Improving Structural Performance of Automotive Components using shape Optimisation Presented at: International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering - IPC-10 (May 1999), Melbourne, Australia Date: May 1999 Publisher: SAE-A
The Development of a New Low Temperature Surface Treatment for the Metalworking and Manufacturing Industry Presented at: International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering - IPC-10 (May 1999), Melbourne, Australia Date: May 1999 Publisher: SAE-A