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Study on Intelligent Idling Stop System


Kazuhiro Tanaka - Kogakuin University
Koji Korematsu - Kogakuin University
Yoshitsugu Yamazaki - Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.


The “idling stop” of the vehicle, which is defined as no rotation of the engine when it stops, theoretically brings to reduce the fuel consumption (i.e. carbon dioxide) and the exhaust emissions. However, the idling stop practically has weak points as follows:

1.When the engine is restarted, much fuel is consumed.

2.When the engine is restarted, much the exhaust emissions are discharged.

3.While various electric devices work, the load of the battery is high.

4.The deterioration of the lubricating oil proceeds due to repeating start and stop.

In order to overcome the above weak points the authors propose the new system called IISS.

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