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Study to Improve Recycle Engineering by Unifying Material of Interior Trimming Parts


Hisato Imamura - Fuji Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd.
Ucho Chin - Fuji Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd.
Takaaki Otake - Fuji Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd.
Masaki Yamaguchi - Shigeru Industry Co.,Ltd.,
Hidezoh Tsukioka - Chiyoda Manufacturing Corp.,


PP(Polypropylene) has been used by approximately 50% of the entire resin for vehicle bodies. By unifying PP grade of interior trimming parts which mainly uses PP, to one type, the goal of this study is to achieve the following ; ①improvement of material recycling, ②efficient parts development, ③material cost reduction. In molding trimming parts, the suppliers use PP of different grades, and different pigments are colored and compounded for vehicle model, grade, model year. So the material combinations are numberless. These various material combinations caused a great loss in the process from producing materials to manufacturing parts, and made the material recycling of waste plastics difficult. At first, Subaru selected one kind of PP grade, talc grade, and pigment for one color, then fused and mixed three components in injection molding. The second, Subaru plan to construct the cooperated processing system to recycle waste plastics by suppliers on the basis of unified PP material.

Because the recycling of waste plastics in common process and for mass production is now possible with the cooperated processing system, the waste plastic discharge from the group factories will be counted “zero”.

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