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Analytical System for Combustion Engine Exhaust Emissions


Kurt Engeljehringer - AVL List GmbH
Johann Schweighofer - AVL List GmbH
Harald Grantner - AVL List GmbH
Dr.Dieter Gruber - AVL List GmbH


As emission regulations become tighter and tighter, equipment must evolve to be able to achieve the new standards. Also additional test requirements demand a system that is flexible and can accommodate differences both in the tests and the test facility. By that test cell equipment for chassis dynamometer as well as engine dynamometer applications is getting increasingly complex. That also will require new concepts for the design of such systems. In the past emission system design was more likely a collection and packaging process, which has interfaced various independent components. Now, the development of modern analytical emission systems require a true holistic design process. This paper will describe the demands and the realization, of a modern emission system. It can be shown that an extended effort during the design process will result in a high performance system, which still remains simple and robust.

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