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Three Way catalysts for Partial Lean Burn Engine Vehicle


GwonKoo Yeo - Hyundai Motor Company
JeongKi Kil - Hyundai Motor Company
YoungKee Youn - Hyundai Motor Company
ChangDae Kim - Hyundai Motor Company
NamHyuk Kim - Hyundai Motor Company


Emission of carbon dioxide from mobile sources seriously concerned to solve green house effect and high price of gasoline in some countries have resulted in the development of lean burn concept engine. In spite of many studies on the lean deNOx catalyst, we have no clear solution to obtain high fuel economy and high efficiency of NOx conversion in lean burn application. This paper describes applicability and problems of NOx adsorber system to partial lean burn vehicle, the development of three way catalyst with improvement of washcoat technology based on three way catalyst used for gasoline application, and comparison test results of evaluations in synthesized gas activity test , Federal Test Procedure (FTP) test, etc. This study shows improved three way catalysts in partial lean burn vehicle have max.89% of NOx conversion in FTP without adding rich spike and regeneration functions to engine management system.

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