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Development of a Low Noise Intake System
Using Non-Helmholtz Type Resonator


Byung-In Jung - Hyundai Motors
Ul-Seuk Ko - Hyundai Motors
Ji-Min Lim - Hyundai Motors
Chang-Myung Lee - Ulsan of University
Sung-Su Han - Ulsan of University


The intake noise of an automobile induced by firing of an engine accompanies acoustic resonance of ducts of an intake system. Conventionally, the adoption of the Helmholtz type resonator was one of possible ways to eliminate the booming noise due to acoustic resonances of air ducts. Although the Helmholtz type resonator is convenient to attenuate the intake noise of an automobile, the usage of the Helmholtz type resonator requires cost increase or big engine room space. Therefore, reduction of the number of the resonators or the volume of the resonators is essential to increase the value of an automobile. To meet these requirements, other types of resonator are suggested instead of the Helmholtz type resonator. The effectiveness of the suggested resonators is compared considering noise reduction ability, effect to the engine performance and size of each resonator.

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