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Research of Employing an Electrostatic Centrifugal Precipitator to Collect Diesel Particulate


Mingshan Wei - Vehicle Engineering College, Beijing
Chaochen Ma - Vehicle Engineering College, Beijing


An electrostatic centrifugal precipitator (ESCP) has been developed to trap diesel particulate. In the ESCP, particulate is charged by a corona field, and moves to the surface of the collecting plate due to electrical force. Particulate deposited on the collecting plate is removed to a hopper by the shear force of exhaust gas. Test results show that the ESCP has high trap efficiency with very low pressure drop, and the efficiency varies with the inlet exhaust gas velocity and temperature. The highest temperature under which the ESCP can perform normally is limited by the high temperature electrical properties of the gas. Compared with a wall-flow type diesel particulate filter, the ESCP has many advantages such as very low pressure drop, low cost and no regeneration.

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