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Ecologically conscious all-terrain vehicles


Ghiroutsky O. - Russian State Research Center NAMI
Kotlyarenko V. - Russian State Research Center NAMI


Conception choice or basis of type and main performance data of vehicle depends on the method of system analysis. This is connected with difficult interaction between vehicle, medium and human being and necessity to select one from a definite number of variants, only one of which completely satisfies initial requirements. Taking into account gained experience of development of mechanical systems «locality- vehicle» in a number of cases it is possible to accept the decisions on the basis of the analysis of separate base elements of this system. The analysis of «locality-vehicle» system usually begins with definition of the requirements on purpose , such as character of carried out work, road conditions, technical and economic and ecological requirements. After that the competing types of the all-terrain or off-road vehicles (ORV) are selected. Then their comparative analysis will be carried out and the design and basic parameters of the ORV gets out optimum.

The researches of the ORV of various types carried out in NAMI, has allowed to establish the statistically proved dependences between some basic parameters of vehicle and to generalize the actual tendencies in their choice. Thus the carrying capacity (payload) is accepted as the base parameter describing the most important technical and performance parameter of a vehicle. For the analysis three basic types of ORV were chosen – wheeled, track and air cushion vehicle (ACV). The other types the ORV (walking, rotory-spiral etc.) were excluded from consideration by ecological and economic criteria.

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