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Identification of A Vehicle Pull Mechanism


Sang-Hyun Oh - Hankook Tire Co., Ltd.
Young-Hee Cho - Hankook Tire Co., Ltd.
Gwanghun Gim - Hankook Tire Co., Ltd.


A vehicle pull problem is directly related to safety and comfort. Major parameters causing the pull problem are the PRAT and conicity of tires, the VRAT, cross camber, cross caster and other manufacturing uniformity of a vehicle, and road crown. The effects of these parameters are described in this paper. The significance of VRAT and PRAT is explained as pull matching parameters. Especially, conicity sensitivity and VRAT sensitivity with respect to the changes of cross camber and cross caster are given. To minimize the pull problem, it is shown that a co-work between vehicle and tire companies is necessary from the beginning of a vehicle development to the end

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