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Development of a New All-Wheel Drive Control System


Koji Matsuno - Fuji Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
Ryo Nitta - Fuji Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
Koichi Inoue - Fuji Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
Katsufumi Ichikawa - Fuji Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
Yutaka Hiwatashi - Subaru Research Center Co., Ltd.


The new all-wheel drive control system has been developed to improve stability on slippery road and handling performance on dry road. This control system realized advanced safety and controllability in the aspect of vehicle dynamics under various road/operating conditions by the estimation of the coefficient of road friction (Ǻ) and development of cooperative controls with ABS, TCS (Traction Control System) and braking system for yaw control

(VDC). The ì estimator was based on parameter identification law in adaptive control theory, and added effective modification according to lateral acceleration of vehicle to improve response of estimation. In the experimental results, the ì estimator fulfilled it's expectations, and our production car equipped with this control system showed sufficient handling performance, stability and controllability for an all-wheel drive vehicle under various road/operating conditions.

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