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Future Trends in Technical and Strategical Relationships among OEMs and Suppliers – Re-shaping the Automotive Industry


Rüdiger Tiemann - University of Gelsenkirchen
Joachim Scholz - Roland Berger & Partner GmbH
Carsten Thies - Roland Berger & Partner GmbH


The relationship between automotive manufacturers and their suppliers has undergone continuous change. Roland Berger & Partners International Management Consultants and Gelsenkirchen University of Applied Sciences conducted a study to identify the major trends in the automotive manufacturer (OEM) and supplier industry over the next 5 to 10 years. The study is based on 70 expert interviews with companies based in Europe, Japan and USA.

Automotive market growth in the next decade will mainly come from the emerging markets of Eastern Europe, South America, China and South East Asia, while the "traditional" triad markets are expected to stagnate. The concentration process among automobile manufacturers will lead to some eight independent OEMs in 2010.

Globalization receives increasing importance in the supplier industry. Cost pressure continues and will be complemented by risk-sharing with the OEMs. The supplier industry is expected to further consolidate.

The share of platform-based vehicles will further grow, combined with an increasing model variety. Innovation becomes a major growth driver for many suppliers. Outsourcing will further grow, along with new forms of partnerships between OEMs and suppliers. Global standardization of R&D and quality standards receives an increasing importance. Eight mega-trends characterize the automotive supplier industry in the next decade.

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