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Product Modularity: Benefits Capitalisation in the Commercial Area


Eng. Alberto Norzi - Iveco S.p.A.
Dr Valeria Malfatto - Iveco S.p.A.
Eng. Ariano Arboletti - Andersen Consulting
Dr. Renato Pettiti - Andersen Consulting
Eng. Michele Stra - Andersen Consulting


The designing approach in the truck industry, where you can have a very large number of vehicle configurations, is based on the modular concept; the product modularity is frequently stated as a goal of good design practice, because it is possible to increase commonality reducing the variability of the components

The use of a modular and configurable product’s structure in engineering area allow obtaining a lot of improvement in commercial area both in Sales and in Customer Service area.

The goal of this paper is to describe the IVECO experience during the second phase of implementation of this new product structure in Commercial area; pointing out the methodological approach, the results up to-day reached and the potential benefits coming from modular approach related to logistics area (time to order reduction)

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