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A Knowledge Based Engineering Framework
for Rapid Prototyping in Vehicle Packaging System


Jinling Huang - Jilin University of Technology
Lizhou Gong - Jilin University of Technology


Vehicle packaging is an important and portal phase during the vehicle design cycle. The design task of vehicle packaging can be considered as the process of packaging the main components in their appropriate positions, which should provide harmonious relationships with each other, and guarantee the vehicle's performance requirements in a specific environment. In the traditional design, from the initial conditions to a satisfactory result, it will take a long time even under the advanced CAD environment. Incorporating the state-of-the-art knowledge based engineering technology into the design process to provide rapid and optimal design abilities. The design system flow can be outlined as four steps as: specification, customization, assessment, and inference. The design system mechanism is a typical KBE running mechanism. Audi 100 model is used to verify this design system. It's been proved that such knowledge based engineering framework be able to reduce the design lead-time dramatically and get an optimal packaging scheme easily.

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