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Transfer of automatic transmission technology from Germany to Korea


Andreas Faulstich - ZF Getriebe GmbH
T. W. Lee - Daewoo Telecom Ltd.


ZF has developed and adapted two automatic transmissions to the technical requirements of Daewoo. At the same time, ZF also gave technical assistance on manufacturing and development to DTL. The main emphasis of the know-how-transfer was placed on the thorough training of Korean engineers and workers. Key manufacturing technologies at DTL were optimised in consultation with the production specialists of DTL and ZF.

The ZF method for quality planning at Korean and European suppliers was explained and applied.

The conversion and analysis of equivalent Korean materials was another important milestone. With regard to development, DTL employees were given detailed training in design, testing and calibration in order to carry out series application work competently on their own. Because of the excellent co-operation between DTL and ZF the project was led to a successful end result. Through competence, professionalism and hard work on both sides, any difficulties which arose during the process of technology transfer were overcome.

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