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NO Formation in Transient Premixed Combustion Field by LIF


Jiro Senda - Doshisha University
Masayosi Okumi - Doshisha University
Hajime Fujimoto - Doshisha University
Kan Nakaune - Honda R&D Co.Ltd.


In the internal combustion engines, combustion characteristics relating to HC & NO emission are affected remarkably by the spatial distribution of fuel concentration, temperature and turbulence properties. Especially, No formation process inside the combustion chamber affected by the mixture concentration field should be focused relating to the flame field temperature distribution. As the first step of NO formation study in premixed combustion field, NO formation process in the chamber was examined by considering OH radical property and flame temperature in homogeneous mixture conditions. In this study, in order to clarify NO formation process inside the transient premixed combustion field, relative concentration fields of OH radical and NO and temperature fields were measured by laser induced fluorescence technique(LIF) in the constant volume vessel for methane-air homogeneous mixture with the variation of equivalent ratio of the mixture. Then, the NO formation process are discussed from transient changes and spatial distributions in OH, NO and temperature. It is revealed that NO are formed remarkably at 0.9 in equivalent ratio of the mixture where the burning temperature reaches the higher.

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