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Low Pressure Molding Compound Hood Panel for a Passenger Car


Chi-Hoon Choi - Hyundai Motor Company
Sang-Sun Park - Hyundai Motor Company
Kye-Won Ahn - Dayone
Jeong-Eek Rhee - Dayone


Low pressure molding compound (LPMC) is a new kind of composite material which can be used for automotive body panels. LPMC has similar mechanical properties compared to conventional sheet molding compound (SMC) but excellent moldability due to the different thickening system. In this paper, we prepared LPMC hood prototype for a passenger car using a low cost tooling. Inner panel and outer panel were made of general-density and low-density grade LPMC, respectively, in order to maximize weight reduction maintaining surface quality. Physical Properties containing tensile strength, flexural modulus, notched Izod impact strength of those samples were investigated. In addition, CAE simulation was also done for strength analysis of the hood assembly.

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