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Reduction of NOx and Soot Emission by Water Injection During Combustion in a Diesel Engine



Niko Samec - University of Maribor
Andrej Pagon - University of Maribor
Jyh Y. Chen - University of California at Berkeley
Robert W. Dibble - University of California at Berkeley


The numerical and experimental investigation of NOx and soot emission reduction by 3 methods of water addition to a Diesel engine has been presented. Of the 3 methods, 2 add water in air and one adds water in fuel. The Water-in-Air methods are valve port injection of water or spraying water continuously into the turbocharger inlet. Experimentally these two methods of water in air are considered. Numerical investigations of the chemical kinetic aspects of the combustion of n-heptane/water mixture are performed assuming the model of concentric shells of a homogenous reactor. However, a simplified turbulent mixing and detailed chemical kinetics have been considered. Thermo chemical data and the detailed chemical kinetics for each shell are computed by the CHEMKIN package of numerical codes.

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