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Modelling of a new fuel injection system with
a direct injection Diesel engine


Valeriu Moisescu - SC Master SA
Milan Dinca - SC Master SA


This working proposes to analyse – by modelling and computer-assisted simulation – a new injection system, able to increase fuel pressure entering the injector up to values of about 100 MPa, without special requirements concerning the stuff quality or technology.

The new high-pressure injection system for Diesel engines is a rotary-distributor pump, of which classical proceeding of the fuel intake control was replaced by the control of delivery’s end.

A mathematical simulation of a development of the injection process implies to structure the calculation program so that the particular aspect of adjustment proceeding be revealed.

Pump’s space should be divided into two volumes. The first volume represents rotor’s inner space. The second one contains an assembly: delivery valve and afferent related canals.

For either sector, the limit conditions comprise: equation of continuity referring to mass, and equation of dynamic equilibrium of the pieces with free motion. The result system of equations is solved after Runge-Kutta method of the fourth order.

The calculation program offers information hard to acquire experimentally: the contact effort of roller-cam and lug-guiding; the diagram of plunger’s displacement.

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