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Non Conventional Turbocharger Control Systems


Codrin-Ruie Cantemir - Technical University "Gh. Asachi", Lasi
Adrian Sachelarie - University "Gh. Asachi", Lasi


The paper refers at the concept of two turbocharger control devices designed for a safe operation of charge pressure control. For this purpose one of the design criterion was the absence of rubber devices, rubber gaskets and O-rings. Another criterion was the possibility to obtain a precision operation without a sophisticated microprocessor control. In the mosl simplified variant both solutions are designed without any Supplementary sensor for an easy utilization, tuning and modify, even on none controlled turbocharger engine. If it is uses the resource of the motor management system an elementary interface between microprocessor and driver module can be implemented. A very good safety operation can be obtained because in case of break down of control system the peak power of the engine is naturally diminishing.

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