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Estimating the Effect from Piston Retention
Around their Dead Positions of Four-Stroke Diesel Cam Axial-Piston Internal Combustion Engine


Dr. B. Bahnev - Technical University Sofia -Branch Plovdiv


Relatively the more free choice of the piston motion law of the calu axial-piston internal comb;ustiol1 engitles (CAP ICE) offers an additional opponunity to improvement of their work as compared with the conventional piston internal combustion engines (PICE). In the present paper the author has used this opportunity and has estimated the influence from piston retention around their dead position on the thermodynamic cycle (TDC) of a four-stroke diesel CAP ICE.

In the paper the meaning from similar research is grounded by means of analysis of the theoretical thermodynamic cycles of the gasoline and diesel engines. Whereas the estit!1ation or the effect from piston retention around their dead position exerted by a special prepared programme for PC, is based on the one-zone model.

The research shows considerable deviations or the thermodynamic cyclc characteristics or CAP ICE as compared with the conventional ones of the PICE and reveals ways for more complete usage of the heat which is obtained during the combustion process.

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