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Improvement of Vehicle Aerodynamics due to Optimisation of Cabin and Body Form


Prof. A. Evgrafov, MGIU - Moscow State Industrial University


Aerodynamic characteristics of vehicle have great influence on its safety, capacity, fuel consumption, velocity and environment contamination and ecological safety. High vehicle speeds, large frontal areas, poor streamlining dorms of a vehicle having low cabin result in increased aerodynamics drag, which require great amount of power to overcome the drag. That is why at present there is an increased interest in the problem of improvement of vehicle aerodynamics. The given paper presents the results of experimental researches and computation, directed to achieving better aerodynamic cilaracteristics of future vehicles by means of optimization forms, construction and mounting parameters of the cabin and the body. The possibilities of aerodynamic drag decreasing due to reducing of the gap between the cabin and the body and improvement of body streamlining are considered in the given work.

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