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Relationship between Diesel Exhaust Emission and
Fuel Aromatics


Dr. Radinko Gligorijevic - IMR-Institute
Dr. Jeremija Jevtic - IMR-Institute
Mr. Djuro Borak - IMR-Institute


Keywords: emissions, diesel engine, fuel aromatics

Air quality and greenhouse gas emissions are of containing concern not only in the European Union but in the USA and Japan. Transport sector is one of the significant producers of the CO2 and pollutant emissions. The current challenge for the road transport/energy sector is to reduce fuel consumption, greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining low emissions of other pollutants. Vehicle emissions legislation has been progressively tightened over the past 20 years. The challenge for diesel engines is to reduce particulate and NOx emissions, while maintaining good fuel economy and CO2 emissions. Engine exhaust emissions are largely dependent on the characteristics of the engine technology. However, when engine technology emissions are reduced to lower levels, the effect of fuel properties on engine emissions become significant. Fuel quality has always had bearing on the emissions refinement, long-term stability and durability of engines and components. With the introduce of low sulfur and sulfur free diesel fuel, the effect of sulfur fuel becomes less significant. Other fuel properties such as aromatics content i.e. composition thus becomes more important. From this aspect, effects of simultaneous addition of mono, di+- and tri+-aromatics into low-sulfur diesel fuel was investigated, and obtained results show that simultaneous addition of these aromatics into low-sulfur diesel fuel has different effect on diesel exhaust emission.

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