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Aspects Concerning the Behavior of the Hybrid Vehicles Using an Inertia Flywheel Operating Stand


Tiberiu Macarie - University of Pitesti
Emilian Lefter - University of Pitesti
Nicolae Popa - University of Pitesti


Keywords: hybrid, planetary gear, thermic engine, electric engine, flywheel

The electric hybrid vehicles represent a continuously increasing segment of the vehicle market, as they are a crossover alternative to the electric vehicles. For the moment, their sale price is higher than the one of the classic vehicles, because they need additional equipments that are necessary for their proper use. Choosing adequate constructive solutions for the transmission of the hybrid vehicles can have as a consequence low fuel consumption as well as low pollution emissions. This study analyzes the influence of a planetary gear on the transmission unit of the hybrid vehicle, using an inertia flywheel operating stand.

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