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On the Estimation of Optimum Structural Parameters for a Triaxial Fixed-tank Vehicle


D. V. Koulocheris - National Technical University of Athens,
V. K. Dertimanis - National Technical University of Athens
C. N. Spentzas - National Technical University of Athens


Keywords: Tank-vehicle, full-car model, optimization.

This study attempts to optimize the performance of a fixed-tank triaxial vehicle, with respect to its vertical and lateral performance. For the vertical dynamics of the vehicle a linear full-car model with twelve degrees of freedom (DOF) is implemented, while its lateral description is determined according to international regulations. The corresponding stiffness and damping characteristics of tank´s supports are optimized simultaneously with the relative characteristics of vehicle´s suspensions, such that the maximum vertical and lateral accelerations are optimized, taking under consideration all the design limitations, as well as the geometrical constraints of the vehicle. For the optimization procedure the Complex method is employed.

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