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The Vehicle Active Safety Increasing, Using Suspensions with the Selfadjustable Shock Absorbers - VZN


Adrian-ioan Niculescu - Romanian Academy


Keywords - intelligent shock absorber, metering hole, skyhook, lift, squat, dive, pick, roll, roll damping coefficient, anti-gyration effect, redressing effect.

The paper presents the VZN principle and some vehicle safety qualities conferred by the suspension realized with the self-adjustable shock absorber, called shortly VZN, based on simulation results, relative to the standard one. The self-adjustable shock absorber VZN, an intelligent shock absorber, realized without electronics or mechanisms, grant with European Patent EP1190184B and Romanian Patent 118546, is much better than standard ones because confers possibilities of stepwise adjustment of damping force as function as the instantaneous piston position. That means lower damping coefficients at the stroke beginning, for easier medium position arriving for a well adherence, damping coefficients for well correspondence between comfort and adherence, in the medium area, high damping coefficients both adjacent parts at the medium area for better adherence and well axle movement brake, and very high damping coefficients at the ends, for better body and axles protection. The simulation tests denote high performances for VZN shock absorbers, relative to standard one, its great adaptation capacity relative to load, road condition, and efficiency, e.g. a better body stability-skyhook comportment, better protection at the stroke ends, lower RMS body acceleration, decreasing lift/squat at acceleration, decreasing dive/lift at braking, progressive anti-roll torque, having an anti-gyration effect and favoring the redressing. So it active safety increases. For costs and technology reasons, a new request of patent, presenting specific solutions for planar and cylindrical filling valves, sealing-guiding elements and alignment of cinematic elements was done, some of this elements being presented in the papers F2006V071 at the 31st FISITA 2006 World Automotive Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 22-27 October and MVM20060040 at the International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2006, Kragujevac, October 4th-6th, 2006 So the automotive self-adjustable shock absorber VZN, confers high performances, nearly semiactive suspensions at low costs, nearly standard shock absorbers.

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