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Multibody Numerical Simulation for Vehicle – Pedestrian Crash Test and Analysis of Characteristic Parameters


Gaetano Bellavia - Università di Palermo
Gabriele Virzì Mariotti - Università di Palermo


Key words: Multi body simulation, anthropomorphic model, pedestrian - vehicle crash test, EURONCAP protocol, Biomechanics, Pedestrian Dummy

The purpose of this paper is the simulation of vehicle - pedestrian crash test, executed by Visual Nastran software. The evaluation of the damage caused to pedestrian is obtained following the EURONCAP directive. The vehicle virtual model, DIMA, follows closely the characteristics of a saloon car belonging to the small cars category. A total of 16 simulation tests are conduced; each characterized by different initial conditions. The vehicle advances with several speeds, at constant speed and in braking. The anthropomorphic model Dummy impacts with the vehicle in lateral or perfectly frontal position with respect to the front of the vehicle.

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