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Automotive Forensic Engineering – 2007 Status in Serbia


Prof. Dr. Cedomir Duboka - University of Belgrade


After 88 years of being the member state of the first (before WW-II), then the second (after WW-II) and finally third (1992 - 2003) Yugoslavia, and so called "State Union Serbia Montenegro" Serbia is from now on facing independence in diametrically different circumstances compared to those in 1878 when it became independent state for the first time after 500 years of occupation by the Ottoman Empire.

Serbia is still the country of challenges and opportunities. Its new born independence combined with the transition process which evolves during last few years, should bring Serbia to arrange very fast its political, legal, economic and social systems to other modern European countries. Serbia is more and more becoming an open yard and a market for implementation of different ideas, products and technologies.

It also applies to automotive engineering and automotive business, and in particular to the road traffic safety and related issues. Automotive Forensic Engineering, in Serbia mostly recognized under the name of "Court Expert Witnessing", is now also becoming of the systems activities which should be aligned to modern European trends as soon as possible.

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