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Prediction of Pressure Distribution in a Disc Brake


Gordana Džipkoviæ - VTI
Mr Dragan Aleksendriæ - University of Belgrade
Prof. Dr Èedomir Duboka - University of Belgrade


Contact between disc and pads is realized only at the micro level across the most extended rough areas at both elements in contact The complexity of problems arising at contact relates to extended sensitivity over changes of contact area. It relates, in particular, to the conditions where great amount of kinetic energy is turned into heat due to effects of friction. Thus generated heat is transferred to one or another part of friction mechanisms (disc or disc pads) over a special “transfer-layer”. The result of all of this is the appearance of thermoelastic instability of contact between disc and disc pads. This is one of the basic and the most important phenomena resulting from the pressure distribution in a friction pair. Considering such complex conditions for accomplishment of contact during braking, it has been concluded that there is a need for analysis of their simultaneous impact in the conditions of digitalized development of the brakes.

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