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CO2 – Neutral Ways to Ensure Future Mobility
(Utilization of solar energy for the production of future fuels)


Prof. Dr. techn. Dipl.-Ing. Dušan Gruden - Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG


Our highly industrialized world heavily depends on fossil-energy raw materials for its smooth functioning. The two complete end-products of fossil fuel combustion, CO2 and H2O, number among the so-called trace gases in the atmosphere, which are contributing to the greenhouse effect. Biomass is an excellent raw material for the production of efficient fuels, such as alcohols and vegetable oils. In the light of discussion on the „protection of the atmosphere“ the greatest advantage of biogenous fuels is their neutral CO2 balance. Researches are expected to find out whether photosynthesis and biomass actually are a practical way of guaranteeing the energy supply of the future.

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