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Active Safety of Commercial Vehicles Status 2003


Dr.-Ing. Rolf Povel - DaimlerChrysler AG
Prof. Dr-Ing. habil. Egon-Christian von Glasner - DaimlerChrysler AG


The traffic density and the amount of persons and goods which are transported on the roads are increasing immensely.

A look at the development of road haulage in the year 1998 for example in Germany showed, that nearly two thirds of goods transport had taken place on roads. Today it is around 70% and still rising (Figure 1).

In the year 2002 more than 350 billion ton kilometers were transported. This means that between 1995 and 2010 the traffic volume will have nearly doubled.

The consequences: fuel consumption as well as noise- and exhaust emissions are increasing, more room for roads and vehicles is needed and all traffic participants are exposed to an ever increasing safety risk.

In the past, engineers have made sure that a good portion of these consequences were reduced.

For instance, despite increasing mean road speeds, the fuel consumption has steadily declined over the past 40 years

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