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A Model of Vehicle Combination Coupling Force


Ivan Stefanoviæ - University of Belgrade
Mr Dragan Aleksendriæ - University of Belgrade
Prof. Dr Živan Arseniæ - University of Belgrade
Prof. Dr Èedomir Duboka - University of Belgrade


The paper deals with problems of unbalanced braking of vehicle combinations. It demonstrates how active safety of heavy vehicles could be improved by implementation of integrated electronically controlled systems. It suggests development of an advanced Friction Monitoring and Control System (FMCS), which may be used as a part of vehicle combinations EBS. This is an intelligent system that would anticipate frictional behavior of brakes in the next brake application, based on the history of precedent brake applications. This is how, by means of monitoring and controlling of brake force variations, FMCS would improve braking compatibility of vehicle combinations, as well as the brake force distribution performance of combination components.

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