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Designing Seats for Improving the Protection of Car Occupants Regarding Rear End Collisions


V. Maistre Rouhier - ECIA
F. Grimault - ECIA
C. Goualou - ECIA


Rear impact study started at ECIA with the aim of understanding the influence of seat design parameters on occupant motion and injury criteria. It was also driven by a growing demand for occupant safety.

Sled testing were used along with numerical simulations to perform this type of investigation.

Injury statistics indicate that in France rear end impacts represent 10 % of all car accidents and similar findings about other countries have been reported in the literature [1,2]. Sustained in low velocity rear end collisions (typically less than 20 km/h) [3,4,5], those injuries are mainly minor neck injuries (AIS 1) [2,6,7] . They nevertheless induce significant societal harm since 10 % of these injuries lead to permanent disability [8].

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