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Emergency Braking Patterns Prior to Real-World Crashes


Sylvain Alleaume - Centre Européen d’Etudes de Sécurité et d’Analyse des Risques
Christian Thomas - PSA Peugeot Citroën-Renault
Thierry Perron - PSA Peugeot Citroën-Renault
Jean Yves Le Coz - PSA Peugeot Citroën-Renault


Braking action is the main way to avoid a crash or to reduce the impact velocity during a road conflict phase,. As far as enhanced car braking technologies are concerned, a comprehensive analysis of braking maneuvers before real-world crashes will help design better this car function.

The paper focuses on driver behavior and environmental conditions in emergency braking.

Results are obtained through two complementary real-world crash samples. The first applies to 300 car crashes studied case-by-case on the scene, by teams of highly trained multidisciplinary investigators and the second survey focuses on 4,000 fatal car occupant crashes which occurred on dry surfaces. Overall braking action percentage (45%) prior to personal injury crash and braking skidmark rate in fatal car occupant crashes (14%) are given and discussed according to driver behavior, road environment, collision configuration and car impact parameters.

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