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Intelligent Terminals Make Efficient Driving


Jean Pierre Letemple - Renault


Renault proposes a traffic information system responding to new expectations from motorists for mobility and safety. Based on RDS-TMC, it consists of a service called Visionaute offered by

Mediamobile and of an in-car terminal called « Carminat Info Trafic » jointly developed by Renault and Sagem. At present the project is limited to the Paris greater area and will progressively cover

France and other European countries. It is fully compatible with the « ALERT » pan-European service. The main issues Renault has to face are the quality and the content of the service, as well as database and software upgrades. « Carminat Info Trafic » and « Carminat Navigation », the other ITS Renault product, are the first steps towards on extensive offering of telematic products and services.

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