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Pavement unevenness as a source of vibration of traversing vehicle: Some new achievements


J.Sprinc - Sprinc-Dynex
O.Kropac - Sprinc-Dynex
M.Prochazka - Sprinc-Dynex
M.Sprinc - Sprinc-Dynex


Besides the standard kinematic response of vehicles due to random pavement unevenness, it is necessary to consider the response due to individual or, maybe, periodically or randomly repeated impulse inputs. The value of this impulse response is especially pronounced for high quality pavements. The effect of the ride speed on the impulse inputs differs for the main mass of the vehicle and for the unsprung mass of the wheel. The matter of fact that the free vibrations of the vehicle usually take place in two distinct frequency ranges leads to the necessity to consider the pavement quality separately for long unevenness wave lengths and for short unevenness wave lengths. A special methodology for this reason has been developed.

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