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Solarcar: An Environmental Friendly Vehicle for Individual Mobility


Enrico Chiappini - University Of L'Aquila
Roberto Cipollone - University Of L'Aquila
Enza Pellegrino - University Of L'Aquila


The DEN (Department of Energetica of the University of L’Aquila, Italy) built a small solarcar for city uses, with the grant of CNR PFT 2. The battery pack of the vehicle is recharged by the electric energy produced by two PVA systems (a main system is on the ground and it is integrated with a storage device, a secondary system is fitted on the roof of the car). Some months of operation have validated the provisional consumption calculations, showing that a meaningful part of the daily mileage may be assured by photovoltaic production. The authors,with the hypothesis of substitution of conventional thermal vehicle with such solarcars, emphasize the benefits on global air pollution, also in comparison with the introduction of simple electric cars.

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