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“Russia -Automotive Traffic and Environment”


Dr. Vadim Donchenko - State Scientific And Research Institute of Motor Transport
Dr. Alexander Gousarov - Research Centre for Testing and Refining of Automotive Vehicles.
Dr. Mark Vaisblum - Research Centre for Testing and Refining of Automotive Vehicl


Motor transport is one of the main polluter of the environment in Russian Federation. It’s share in total volume of air pollution is about 35-40% on the average in the country. In the big cities this figure reaches 80-90%.

The ecological problems connected with motor transport functioning are redoubled by high speed of motor fleet growth which is happened in conditions of considerable lag in road network development.

In period from 1992 to 1995 the total number of motor fleet has increased almost by 45% and cars - by 58%. The motor fleet is increased especially rapidly in the biggest cities of Russia. The number of motor vehicles in Russia in 1997 has reached 21, 9 mln., including 17,1 mln of cars, 4,17 mln of trucks and lorries, 0,63 mln of buses. The rate of annual motor fleet growth in 1997 was 6,1% (on cars - 8,2%), that is 15% higher than in 1996.

Estimations of harmful substances emission from vehicles of all modes of transport are shown in the Table 1. Emission from stationary transport objects are shown in the Table 2.

The total harmful substances emission from all transport complex sources in 1997 was 12,8 mln tonn. The share of motor vehicles emission was 89% (11,3 mln tonn), and stationary sources emission - 6,6% (0,85 mln tonn). The tendencies of harmful substances emission from transport complex and from motor transport are shown in the Table 3. During 1997 the volume of emission from transport complex increase 2,1 % against 1996, and from motor transport - 3%. Estimation of specific harmful substances emission from different modes of transport by the unit of transport work is shown on the Picture 1. These data show considerably more “ ecological danger “ of motor transport in comparison with other modes of transport.

For the last 3 years the volume of production of leaded petrol in Russia has reduced at 20%. This leads to noticeable reduction of lead emission from motor transport. Estimation of the volumes of water pollution from transport objects’ sewage showed that the volume of suspended substances and oil-products don’t exceed 100 th.tonn. At the same time more than 20 th.tonn of oil-products, about 2 mln.tonn of suspended substances and 500 th.tonn of chlorides, used for struggle with winter slippage, get away from the roads with surface drain and snow. Besides that about 35 th.tonn of soot particles get into the environment annually owing to tyres wear. Negative environmental impact of transport and, first of all, motor transport becomes apparent basically on the urban territories.

The largest level of motorization is reached in 10 regions of Russia: Moscow,Leningradsky (incl. Sankt-Peterburg), Rostovsky, Tyumensky, Sverdlovsky, Samarsky, Voronegsky,Cheliabinsky, Irkutsky and Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In these regions there is concentrated about 40% of all russian motor vehicles fleet(Moscow region - 13,2%). Estimation of the motor transport negative impact on the atmospheric air quality for different economic regions of Russia is shown in the Table 4.

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