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Cost-effectiveness Study on Measures to Reduce CO2 Emissions in the Transport Sector in Austria


Dipl.-ing. Dr. Stefan Hausberger - Technical University, Graz
O.univ.-prof. Dr. Rudolf Pischinger - Technical University, Graz
O.univ.-prof. Dr. Gerd Samm


In Austria, 26 different possible measures to reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector have been investigated in respect of their cost effectiveness. The analysis comprises technical, fiscal,incentive, infrastructure and organisational measures. The notion of ”costs” is dealt with exten-sively, and includes costs caused by infrastructure, vehicle operation, administration, accidents,time, emission of pollutants, CO2 and noise. The presentation deals with the ranking of all measures analysed, as well as a bundle of measures to achieve the Toronto target as a whole as well as its economic effects. The measure ”fuel taxes” is discussed in detail to provide an impression of the complex method and the models used for the analysis.

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