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The Optimum Balance between Automotive Gas-Oil and Gasoline to Minimise Environmental Impact


Dr J R Newsome - Shell International Products
I R Galliard - Shell International Petroleum Company


The use of diesel as a European passenger car fuel has increased sharply in recent years. Following a plateau at 14% between 88 and 91, new diesel car registrations in Europe are now above 25%, with some countries in a strong upward trend (up to 48% in France in 1995). Up to now the switch to diesel engined cars has been strongly influenced by tax differentials for fuels and vehicles. In the future, other features of the diesel engined passenger car such as further fuel consumption reductions offered by the latest diesel engine technology and legislated CO2 emissions limits may influence new car purchases. This trend towards increased sales of diesel passenger cars has already lead, in some countries, to an unbalanced situation between local refineries’ production capability and the demand for middle distillates (Automotive gas-oil, Industrial gas-oil, Jet fuel). There are optimum balances between gasoil and gasoline as automotive fuels, in terms of vehicle and refinery emissions, their impact on the environment and CO2 levels. This paper examines the factors , including future fuel quality, which can influence these balances for Europe in the years 2000 - 2010.

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