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Strategy to Reach Leadership in Quality at the End of the Xxist Century


J. Angel Bueno Rodriguez - Renault Factoria Palencia


As the XXIst century is getting closer, technological innovations are appearing with more and more strength and energy. They are producing very in-depth changes within work organization and among people working either in manufacturing or service companies.

Considering it from a traditionnal approach about development and enterprises evolution, gives evidence of the ever existing competition between two well separated doctrines.

One of them has an economist and financial vision of the enterprise, where there are two progress developping motor forces, which are CAPITAL AND WORK; the other one considers progress and competitiveness from a technological point of view, based on the binomial WORK AND TECHNOLOGY.

Because of the introduction of new concepts about how to understand the enterprise world, both approaches have become obsolete. The concepts we so much use nowadays in order to explain strategies such as economy’s globalization, the change society, the information technologies, would justify a new understanding of the new focus.

The new competitive vision of the enterprise gives a relevant value to two different factors, difficult to acquire : knowledge and skills management and the work organization, are the two factors that give the enterprises that particular factor which make them different from others, and we will speak more thoroughly about them further on.

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