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Development of a New Generation of Small-size Four-stroke Engines


Wolfram Lochbichler - MAN B&W Diesel AG
Hans-Jakob Borchsenius - MAN B&W Diesel AG


In the further upgrading of the successful state-of-the-art large-size medium-speed engine family, MAN B&W Diesel, in close co-operation between their Augsburg, Holeby and Frederikshavn manufacturing sites, are at present developing completely new engines in the lower power range. The types involved are the L 16/24, L 21/31 and L/V

27/38 engines, i.e. marine gensets, main propulsion engines and stationary versions for power plants.

A first 5L 16/24 genset engine was presented at the Shipbuilding, Machinery and Marine Technology (SMM) Fair, Hamburg in autumn 1996 to specialists and interested parties. In the meantime, more than 100 engines of this type have been sold. The longest operating times obtained in service are, at present, approx. 2000 hours. The operating results are excellent and comply, in any respect, with the high demands.

Two 27/38 8-cylinder engines, the largest type of this engine family, are, since the beginning of this year, on the testbed, one in the genset and one in the propulsion version. The test results we have, to date, obtained are promising so that series release can be effected in the near future.

The third engine located between the 16/24 and the 27/38, the 21/31 type is in the design phase. As the concept of this engine is in accordance with the two already existing types, also this engine will be introduced before long into the market after a corresponding testing period.

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