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Torque Converter by Bondgraphs


Katsuya Suzuki - Aichi Science & Technology Foundation
Ikuo Nakamura - Nagoya University
Kazuhiro Tanaka - Kyushu Institute of Technology


A torque converter is analyzed by bondgraphs following a set of four first-order differential equations describing torque converter characteristics. A new bondgraph model of torque converter is presented for establishing a bondgraph of a stator. In this new bondgraphs, the converter range and the coupling range are represented clearly. In the converter range, stator is not rotating, but transmits the torque to the transmission case, so the bondgraph must have a gyrator element for the stator. On the other hand, in the coupling range, the stator are free to rotate, so the bond of stator is omitted. By use of this new bondgraphs, the transient condition from converter range to coupling range becomes possible to estimate. Dynamic characteristics of this torque converter can obtained easily by a bondgraph simulation in comparison with the usual simulation method.

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