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Development of Motor for Test Bench of Hybrid Electric Vehicle's Unit


Ryuji Toh - Toyota Motor
Yasutomo Kawabata - Toyota Motor
Hiroshi Suga - Toyota Motor
Tetsuya Miura - Toyota Motor


Global environmental issues have gained much attention in recent years. In response to this, TMC has led other companies with the launch of the RAV4-EV, Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV), in September 1996 as well as the Prius, a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), in December 1997. In the development of these two vehicles, we evaluated the performance, functions, control methods and reliability of the motor and HEV motor unit (hereafter referred to as "HV unit"). It was necessary to ensure sufficient test accuracy sufficient test accuracy with regard to the test objects having different specifications such as the motor unit, the HV unit, and the engine together with regard to the HV unit. It was also necessary to ensure sufficient test accuracy with regard to the level of developed high performance products. Specifically, higher performance was required of engine motor which simulates engine output and load motor which receives output from the HV unit, which are the key factors in the HV unit test bench.

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