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Simulation and Experimental Analysis of the Stamping Forming Process of and Automobile Side-frame


Zhang Weigang - Jiao Tong University
Lin Zhangqin - Jiao Tong University
Hu Yimin - Jiao Tong University
Xu Weili - Jiao Tong University
Baa Yauxia - Jiao Tong University


The stamping forming process of an automobile side-frame is studied by numerical simulation and experiment. It is predicted by simulation results and experimental stamping that strain distribution is sharply concentrated in several corner areas after forming, which might cause localised necking or splitting in following processes. According to numerical results of simulation, thickness, and safety of forming the parameters, of metal sheets for side-frame forming are discussed. The validity of modelling and the accuracy and reliability of simulation results are assessed by comparing calculated strains with experimental ones

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