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Speed Management through Perceptual Countermeasures


Brian Fildes - Monash University Accident Research Centre
Stuart Godley - Monash University Accident Research Centre
Fred Schnerring - Jamieson Foley & Associates
Michael Tziotis - ARRB Transport Research


Previous research has shown that the road and its environment can exert a significant influence on driving behaviour, especially in regard to speeding. The Speed Review conducted in 1993 involving over 40 government road traffic administrators and other specialists identified low cost road treatments as a high priority for speed management in this country. In 1994, an international search identified a number of promising low cost road treatments that have the potential for reducing travel speed in certain locations. A program of research was commissioned by the Roads & Traffic Authority of New South Wales and the Federal Office of Road Safety at the Monash University Accident Research Centre to evaluate the effectiveness and potential cost effectiveness of a range of promising countermeasures against speeding. A number of treatments were programmed and tested using the driving simulator of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) of Victoria and their relative effects on full licence holders measured. The laboratory phase of the research program is due to be completed later in 1998, after which it is expected to apply the more promising treatments on roads in Victoria and New South Wales and conduct a thorough evaluation of their speed and crash benefits.

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