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Virtual prototyping for strength and durability assessment applied to low production volumes


F. Palloni – SmartCAE srl
S. Gjølmesli – Fedem Technology AS
T. Rølvåg – NTNU


The costs related to physical prototyping are one of the main limiting factors for low production volumes. New techniques and procedures are needed to completely replicate the physical validation of new cars through simulation software.

The aim of this paper is to describe the methodology for the use of a dynamic simulation code as a Virtual Testing platform for strength and durability assessment of automotive products.

The vehicle model is assembled by individual component FE meshes and by use of combined static and modal superelement reduction, the flexible-body simulation facilitates true structural dynamics where the flexibility of all parts is accounted for.

The resultant load history is used for mapping the reduced system displacements back to the full structural mesh, and so getting detailed information on the structural response at any instant.

Summary calculations are used to obtain extreme values as well as durability results for the full event.

In this paper real world application are taken as example to validate the proposed method.

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