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Vehicle Architectures for Niche Productions: Concepts, Technologies and Proposals


R. Majocchi - Pininfarina Ricerca e Sviluppo
W. Peracchiotti - Pininfarina Ricerca e Sviluppo


The actual trends of the automotive market show a fragmentation of types of vehicles inside the same brand, in contrast with the reduction of the number of platforms.

In this sense the “niche cars” allow to the manufacturer to strengthen the typical values linked to the brand image and to meet the customer expectations.

Pininfarina, in his 70 years history, has always pursued a strong personalization of cars through styling and architectures.

As part of the experience of niche car manufacturer for OEMs, during the last 10 years, Pininfarina has developed, through many show cars, some innovative architecture concepts, based on aluminum frames, aimed to low volumes productions and characterized by a high level of flexibility for different types of vehicles.

In this scenario Pininfarina presents in this paper the results of a concept study for a new car, based on a common platform (floorpanel, chassis and powertrain), that is developed in two different models, each of them maximizing systems and components commonalities, but with a peculiar image that could be applied, as an example, for two brands of the same OEM.

In both vehicles there is a synthesis of the practical utility of a space wagon, the all-road performance of a SUV and the elegance of a sedan.

The styling differentiation is not limited to different equipments, colors and trim, but it relies on a completely different shape treatment, so to let them feel different even if with the same size.

A specific new space frame in steel is built upon this platform, using sheet metal pressed parts and rolled profiles.

On this space frame two different types of exterior panels are assembled: in plastic material for the “sporty” version and in sheet metal for the “elegant” one.

The technical analysis of the concept is also integrated with some deepenings on the application of alternative materials (cellular sheets) and innovative technologies (hydroforming), that could replace standard solutions.

Besides, we present some analysis of the process flow for an hypothetical production in Pininfarina plants.

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