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Advanced concepts for side impact protection beams


Heinrich Weber – Dreistern


Increased crash safety and lower weight at reduced cost are nowadays among the most important requirements for body-in-white components. Side impact protection beams have to meet these requirements. Especially the use of ultra-high strength steel demonstrates to be an efficient approach to reach this target. The presentation will display a comparison between a press manufacturing and a combined rollforming/laser welding process. This comparison indicates considerable cost savings for the rollforming alternative. Recent developments in the rollforming and laser welding technology will provide further weight and cost reduction. Up to now rollformed sections had a uniform wall thickness. Now rollforming can provide sections with variable wall thickness also. This allows for load-commensurate section design. These developments offer a remarkable potential not only for new side impact beams but also for body-in-white. A couple of

European custom rollforming companies are already equipped with this state-of-the art technology. They are capable to provide the automotive industry with product volumes for niche market models as well as for high-volume vehicles.

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