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New York Concept Car: A Laboratory Between Aesthetic, Technology and Product


P.L. Carcerano - - Carcerano s.r.l
L. Ciuffi - Carcerano s.r.l


New York’s origins derive from the desire to get right inside and through the heart of “Italian culture”, so that its various paths would come together in the form of a car that, for the synthesis and project outcome, might truly give concrete to “Italian style”, giving archtitectural shape to cultural categories like the classic, symmetry and harmony.

But, like every project approach that is geared towards the “classic”, New York also hides a breakthrough: a path of research, of experimenting, of creative adventure and intellectual innovation.

The wish was for the vehicle’s shape and style to reach that wholeness, that elegance that belongs to all things classic, and, however, in reaching this goal, the purest forms of experimentation were used, especially regarding that challenge posed by new technology to designer creativity.

None of the knowledge contained in our technological laboratory was left out when we created the aesthetics laboratory: electronic technology, the digital and virtual reality. These factors, indeed, offer design the possibility of visualising, verifying and, if necessary, correcting its creative acts “live”, so to speak. In this sense, New York is an integrally technological project. It is ‘integral’ because it combines the highly technological qualities of the product with digital technology, which defines its project processes.

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