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Simulation of a turbocharged Diesel Engine


P. Podevin - CNAM Chaire de turbomachines et moteurs
G. Descombes - CNAM Chaire de turbomachines et moteurs
M. Pluviose - CNAM Chaire de turbomachines et moteurs


In order to improve turbocharger and Diesel automotive engine matching, a simulation unit has been set up to define the performance of the engine. The comparison of test results and calculations show a good agreement for stabilised and transient behaviour of the engine.

Modelling of the engine is quasi-stabilised and based on study of the theoretical cycle of the

Diesel engine. Modelling of the compressor is quasi-unidimensionnal, the inside flow is assumed to be stationary.

This paper deal mainly with the adaptation laws which have been used to provide a closer representation of a real engine cycle. The overall efficiency of the engine being expressed as the product of different efficiencies : forme méca comb cycle g h h h h h × × × =

- hcycle : the cycle or thermodynamic efficiency

- hcomb : the combustion efficiency

- hméca : the cycle mechanical efficiency

- hforme : form efficiency

This method lead to establish these coefficients versus speed engine and torque. Results are presented as well as a comparison between experiment and calculations.

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